If I was to do the exercise again I would probably mix up the smells a little bit and be a little more clear on how the students were to connect their two emotions with writing. I would probably write down my instructions clearly on a piece of paper so there wouldn't be any confusion. Also, I would use the empty cup again but weight it down with something to simulate the existence of a smell and see what students come up with...but this would just be for my entertainment.
I think this exercise taught the students how smells have so much material and thought behind them. I think smells are one of the most important aspects to a memory and even feeling and they should be mentioned almost every time. To go even further, I would stress mentioning more then one smell within the memory or feeling.
I thought it went well, and I agree with all the possible ways you might alter it. Also, perhaps fewer cups so we could really linger on them longer. I was amazed by how bad I was at guessing the smells.